I have some favorite series that are still incomplete (don't we all?). This list consists of the sequels that I am DYING to have. Like now.
So you can take this list one of two ways: get off your butt and read these AMAZING books right away!! Or...you can be lame and wait for the whole series is out because you might turn into a hair-pulling, author-stalker, book-caresser like me.
And they're simply in order of release, because how can I choose a favorite? (Except the
Throne of Glass one. That is my favorite.)
Heir of Fire
(Throne of Glass #3)
Sarah Maas
Release: September 2, 2014 (
Celaena has just escaped to a foreign land, but knows the battle against evil is far from over. With an INCREDIBLE bomb of information dropped on the last page of the previous book, I must say that this is my most eagerly awaited sequel. My one pain/joy (it's rather paradoxical) is that this is not the end. And so I will be pining for this series once again by September 3rd.
See my reviews for
Book 1,
Book 2, and
Book 0.5
The Whispering Skull
(Lockwood & Co #2)
Jonathan Stroud
Release: September 16, 2014 (
This will be the continuing adventures of Lockwood & Co., an intrepid band of young teens who take on ghosts, phantoms, and other dangerous spirits. The first was terrifyingly fantastic (and cliffhanger-less, so read it) so I anticipate something even better with this (Stroud other series,
Bartimaeus got better with each book). Plus, I anticipate clean content (no language or sex).
See my review for
Book 1
(Reckoners #2)
Brandon Sanderson
Release: January 6, 2015 (
The Reckoners will be continuing their fight against Epics. David may have won the last battle, but there are still tyrannical Epics to destroy. The first was so action packed, I couldn't put it down. And it had a satisfying ending, so read it. Again, it's a fantastic author and clean content, so I am rooting for this one all the way.
See my review for
Book 1
(Lunar Chronicles #3.5)
Marissa Meyer
Release: January 27, 2015 (
With each book in the Lunar Chronicles, Meyer expertly ties together a fairytale retelling set in the future. Presumably, this will cover a sort of Snow White background story on the evil Queen Levana. It's a prequel of sorts, before Meyer officially finishes the series with
Winter in November 2015 (GAH an even longer wait...). They're clean, exciting, romantic--everything! (I haven't reviewed the first three books on here because I fail... But believe me, they're GOOD.)
The Black Reckoning
(The Books of Beginning #3)
Release date: March 14, 2015 (

This is VERY much eagerly anticipated because SOMEONE (not cool, Stephens!) decided to end the second book with a TERRIBLE cliffhanger. Ugh. But it's a good series, targeted towards pre-teens with three siblings on an epic adventure to locate the three Books of Beginning, giving them various magical powers. The first was a little slow, but it just kept getting better. Plus, this will finish off the series. So I won't have to keep dying of a heart attack. (And sorry, no previous reviews again because I read the first two SO LONG ago. Man this has taken forever...)
So there you have it. Some super fantastic YA series that are incomplete--and therefore, so is my heart. But the sequels are coming! So prepare yourselves!
You know, this also makes a good Christmas wishlist... Any Santas out there?