Wednesday, May 28

Ptolemy's Gate

Ptolemy’s Gate
Jonathan Stroud
(The Bartimaeus Trilogy #3)

My rating: ★★★★

ISBN: 9780786838684
Publisher: Hyperion
Date of publication: January 1, 2006
Age: Grade 7 and up
Genre: Fantasy

Themes: Demons, possession, magicians

Nathaniel is now 17 years old and a trusted member of the Council. However, there is growing unrest; not only in London, but also around the world as foreign wars drag and turn for the worst. Nathaniel has kept Bartimaeus in London and on Earth for too long. His strength—and patience—and quickly diminishing. Both are at their wit’s end. Kitty has not seen Nathaniel in three years and is doing her own research into the relationship between demon and human. But there is something darker and more dangerous on the horizon that will soon bring the three back together again, for the last time.

Um. This book. It’s not for little kids anymore. Stroud goes from a bratty 11-year-old Nathaniel in book 1 to a very mature, conflicted 17-year-old Nathaniel in book 3. And the depth into which Stroud examines the complexity of each the three main characters is astounding, difficult even. But let me just get to the point: the ending. I’ll not spoil it for you, but let’s just say I’m still trying to stop my jaw from dropping every time I think about it. It’s not for the faint of heart.

Check out my reviews for the other books in the series: Book 1, and Book 2.

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