Today's storytime is brought to you by the letter 'V'. So, on the board when the kids walked in was:
Read Aloud Books
A Crankenstein Valentine
Crankenstein doesn't want to have anything to do with Valentine's Day! No undies with hearts, no mushy-gushy garland, and certainly no smooches! This brand new book was a total hit with the kids. They were laughing the whole time (especially with the undies). And it's great fun to read aloud.
Be Mine, Be Mine, Sweet Valentine
What would different animals give to each other as valentines? This book was great fun for the kids as the guessed what each animal would give. Plus, it was great exercise in rhyming and poetry (aka "verse." That starts with 'V'. Boo-yah).
Love, Ruby Valentine
Ruby Valentine LOVES one particular holiday and prepares for DAYS getting things and gifts ready! But what happens when she sleeps right through Feb. 14th? This book was great because it rhymed and actually told a pretty enticing story—the kids paid attention to the whole thing!
Songs & Rhymes
Rhyme & Sign:
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Candy is sweet
And you are too!
Fingerplay: I Can Make A Heart
I put my hands together
This is how I start
I curve my fingers right around
And I can make a heart!
(credit: StorytimeKatie)
Song: You Are My Sunshine
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You’ll never know dear how much a love you
And I love you more every day
Action Rhyme: Valentine, Valentine
Valentine, Valentine run in place
Valentine, Valentine touch your face
Valentine, Valentine turn around
Valentine, Valentine touch the ground
Valentine, Valentine touch your nose
Valentine, Valentine touch your toes
Valentine, Valentine jump and hop
Valentine, Valentine time to stop!
Valentine, Valentine pat your knees
Valentine, Valentine sit down please
Games & Activities
Flannel: Six Little Valentines
The flap of my envelopes didn't stay folder under very well, so I just left them up. But you get the idea right? Each one had a picture of an animal inside and this is the rhyme:
Six little Valentines were sent to my house,
The first one said, “I love you, From Mouse.”
Five little Valentines in my mailbox,
The second one said, “Be mine, Love Fox.”
Four little Valentines full of love,
The third one said, “You are sweet, From Dove.”
Three little Valentines just for me,
The fourth one said, “Be my honey, Love Bee.”
Two little Valentine’s mailed with care,
The fifth one said, “Here’s a hug, From Bear.”
The last little Valentine, from my friend Jay,
This one said, “Happy Valentine’s Day!”
(credit: StorytimeKatie)
Craft: V is for Vase
I simply printed off a giant letter 'V' and the kids went to town! They really seem to enjoy gluing tissue paper. Lost of tissue paper.
Other Book Ideas
The Yuckiest, Stinkiest, Best Valentine Ever
Happy Valentine's Day, Mouse!
How Do Dinosaurs Say I Love You?
Ruby Valentine Saves the Day
Can you please explain a bit more about what/how you used the valentine envelopes? Did you read out all the verses and have the children guess where each animal was? How exactly did this play out for you? Thanks so much!