Tuesday, February 3

The Chicken Squad: The First Misadventure

The Chicken Squad: The First Misadventure
Written by Doreen Cronin, illustrated by Kevin Cornell

My rating: ★★★★

ISBN: 978-1442496767
Publisher: Altheneum
Date of publication: April 8, 2014
Age: Grades 1 - 4
Genre: Mystery

Themes: courage, trouble, shapes, UFOs

When Tail, the squirrel, comes running in because something outside is BIG and SCARY, the chicken squad steps in to take the case. Dirt, Sweetie, Poppy, and Sugar may be chicks, but they know their stuff. However, asking Tail for more details is not working out (he keeps fainting) and who knows when that BIG and SCARY thing will strike again? What if it's coming for the chickens??

Turns out: this book is hilarious and I love it. A spin-off of the J. J. Tully Mysteries, and in the same vein as The Endangered Files, it's one of those satirical hard-nosed mysteries. It was a little harder to keep track of which chick was which (maybe if I tried harder), but they did have individual personalities. So the characters were cute, the story was great, and I liked the whole experience of solving the mystery. It's great for kids!

Find it at your library or on Amazon

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